Lindsay – Australia 2025

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  1. Interesting as this seat use to be key to whoever wanted to get into office, I believe that this is the first time along with the electorate of Banks where its not with Labor when they’re in office. Labor seem to be struggling with demographics like this and could be at risk with more seats like this with similar demographics in the future if they don’t reach out.

  2. It was a bellwether up until 2016. Yes, you’re right that this is the first Labor government without it.

    This used to be very associated with Howard Battlers – working-class people and mortgage holders who had swung to the Liberals. I agree that Labor is struggling with its old blue-collar worker base with the ongoing political realignment. Outer suburban electorates with fewer uni-educated, white-collar professionals are not voting for Labor as strongly as they used to.

  3. I think there has been increase wealth among many former working class people in Lindsay hence it is probably explains how it turned Libs

  4. I think Marh is correct in some respects that parts of this seat such as Glenmore Park has seen an increase in affluence as that suburb is more settled these days. Some compare this seat to Hughes, however Lindsay is more socially mixed and has areas of disadvantage and new housing estates something Hughes does not have. I am not sure Banks is a good comparison because that was not a bellwether it was moving towards the Liberals with increased affluence along the waterside suburbs. @Nether Portal calculated, Lindsay on state results and it would be 53.3% Labor only 1% worse than the state results. The issue for Labor is that areas like Lindsay, Petrie, Forde is that they are generally more interested in bread and butter issues rather than climate, voice, republic etc and Labor needs to have a message that is Economy based like in 2016. Kevin Rudd had an economy based campaign in 2007 with Workchoices and Interest rates and won. NSW state Labor had a campaign that focused on Toll Roads, Public sector wage cap etc.

  5. Voting for LNP v ALP/Green is now more based on education levels rather than income – so unless a bunch of university educated people have moved into Glenmore Park and surrounds in the last few years, then expect this to stay with the libs

  6. Interesting to see the Greens doing quite well in Penrith East and Penrith booths whereas further from Penrith One Nation comes third or United Australia.

  7. A lot of the Teal hype against a perceived arch-conservative like Mundine seems to be drawing the same conclusions against what happened to Abbott in Warringah.
    I’m still of the belief you could run any Liberal in Bradfield at this next election and win, purely because of the normalisation and swing against Labor and back to the Coalition. Particularly in high income electorates.
    The Teal here isn’t as high profile as Steggall and Mundine isn’t as divisive or even as well-known as Abbott.
    Whoever Libs run will have a swing to them, as the Teal movement has run out of gas.
    All Dutton and co have to do is rehash the same lines Abbott did in 2013 against the perceived detriment cross-benchers pose in propping up a Labor-Greens-Independent government. And emphasise stability via majority government.
    It’s also not like Mundine will be on the front bench, so any perceived damage or controversy he would cause is also grossly exaggerated

  8. I think SpaceFish that your and bazza’s comments line up – the closer your to Penrith and the station, the more likely you are to catch the train to a profession ‘degree required’ job in the city/Parramatta/North Sydney etc, so you are more likely to vote ‘progressive’.

  9. or you are a young professional, degree educated CBD worker in a new apartment around the station while if you got cheap housing in Glenmore Park 25 years ago you didn’t need a degree or professional job


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